
Howdy! I’m Bird.

I’m a Shaman of Native American descent. The truth of being, by its nature, is inexpressible and incomprehensible. Everything I do in life is my devotion to the ineffable wonder of all that is.

But don’t believe anything I say…my invitation is to come and see for yourself who you really are.

Overall, I’m a pretty down-to-earth lady.

I live in the hills of West Virginia’s Appalachia. I feel most at home in the quietness of nature where I can mingle with plants and animals. I spend most of my time doing creative things — writing, playing music, singing, hiking, foraging for herbs, crafting herbal medicines and tinctures, and drawing. I revel in alone time and am the stereotypical “Shaman who lives in the forest”. I love to laugh and revel in the magic of life.

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.

Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.

Walk beside me that we may be as one.

— Ute proverb